Volume 8 Issue 5 (September- October, 2022)

Original Articles

Assessment of pattern of mandibular fractures in a known population
1Dr Jatinder Mohan Arora, 2Dr. Rohit Wadhwa

Background: To assess the pattern of mandibular fractures in a known population. Materials & methods: A total of 100 patients were enrolled. The number of male patients was 65 and 35 were female. Age of patients was 20 to 60 years. Mean age of patient was 42.6 years. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically in the outpatient departments of the hospital, and a detailed history was taken. The data was analysed and result was obtained using SPSS software. The level of significance was at P < 0.05. Results: The mandibular condyle was the most common site of fracture in this study found in a vast majority of trauma patients (n = 23, 23%) involving 19 males and 4 females followed by the mandibular angle (22%), parasymphysis (12%) and dentoalveolar. Majority of patients (n = 52, 52%) had unilateral type of mandibular fractures followed by 39 (39%) patients with bilateral fractures. Conclusion: Frequency of unilateral fractures was higher. Keywords: mandible, fractures, pattern.

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