Volume 8 Issue 3 (May- June, 2022)

Original Articles

Assessment of relationship between median mandibular flexure and maximum occlusal force in adults
Dr. Fathima Seethi, Dr. C.M.Zameer Ahmed, Dr. Pawan Deep Singh, Dr. Vikas, Dr. Mitrasen Raj, Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh

Background: Median mandibular flexure (MMF) occurs during the opening and protrusive movement. The lateral pterygoid muscle is the most effective muscle in MMF.The present study was conducted to assess relationship between median mandibular flexure and maximum occlusal force in adults. Materials & Methods: 76subjects of both genders were enrolled.Maximum occlusal force (MOF)and median mandibular flexure (MMF) and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Results: Out of 76 subjects, males were 30 and females were 40. The mean MOF in males was 54.8 Kg/N and in females was 41.6 Kg/N. The mean MMF in males was 0.60 Kgf and in females was 0.72 Kgf. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). The mean MMF in subjects with BMI <18.5 was 27.8 Kgf, in subjects with BMI 18.5-24.9 was 36.2 Kgf and in subjects with BMI >25 was 52.7 Kgf. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). There was correlation of age with MMF and BMI with MOF (P< 0.05). Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between MOF and MMF. Both these were effective factors in the success of prosthetic restorations.

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