Volume 4 Issue 1 (January-February), 2018

Review Articles

Biosmart Materials- Gateway to the Future Dentistry
Harshit Singhania, Vinisha Pandey

Change is inevitable, progress is a choice; with the advent of innovative novel technologies, contemporary dentistry now has access to many outstanding restorative materials. A paradigm shift has occurred from conventional dentistry to futuristic concept of developing bioesthetic restoration. Biomimetic Material, with their biocompatible nature & excellent physico – chemical properties are widely used nowadays. They can function as long lasting esthetic & restorative materials, cement, root repair materials, root canal sealers & filling materials which have advantage of enhanced biocompatibility, high stress, sealing ability & antibacterial properties. The concept of developing smart materials in dentistry has gathered pace since their properties simulate natural tooth substance such as enamel or dentine.
Examples: Piezoelectric materials which produce voltage when stress is applied/ vice versa, shape memory alloy which are thermoresponsive, ph sensitive polymers, Zirconia.
Key words: bioesthetic restoration, Biomimetic materials, biocompatible.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Vinisha Pandey, Associate Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Institute of Dental Studies & Technologies (IDST), Kadrabad, Modinagar, Uttar Pardesh, India

This article may be cited as: Singhania H, Pandey V. Biosmart Materials- Gateway to the Future Dentistry. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2018; 4(1):59-62.

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