Volume 3 Issue 6 (November - December, 2017)

Original Articles

Evaluation of Prevalence of Oral Leukoplakia among patients of a known Population- A Cross-Sectional Study
Krishan Kumar Tyagi

Background: Oral leukoplakia (OL) is the most frequent potentially malignant disorder of oral mucosa.The cohort studies about oral leukoplakia are very rare, so it is difficult to appreciate its real malignant transformation rate due to various regional habits.Hence we planned the present study to assess the prevalence of oral leukoplakia. Materials & methods: We planned the present study in the department of oral pathology of and included assessment of prevalence of oral leukoplakia among known population. A total of 50 subjects were included in the present study. Examination was done using a disposable mouth mirror and explorer under good illumination. All the results were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: We found the presence of Oral leukoplakia 2 percent of the total study population. Conclusion: Oral leukoplakia was found to be associated with tobacco and chronic check biting in the present study.
Key words: Oral Leukoplakia, Prevalence.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Krishan Kumar Tyagi, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, M.B. Kedia Dental College Pvt Ltd., Nepal

This article may be cited as: Tyagi KK. Evaluation of Prevalence of Oral Leukoplakia among patients of a known Population: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2017;3(6):84-85.

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