Volume 9 Issue 3 (May – June, 2023)

Case Reports

Dr. Pooja Nagpal, Dr. Akanksha Kumari, Dr. Guru Prasad R, Dr. Shruti Pathania

A ranula is a mucocele caused by extravasation of the sublingual gland on the floor of the mouth. Ranulas can appear as a translucent bluish swelling. Ranulas can lead to submandibular sialadenitis due to salivary stasis that leads to retrograde seeding of bacterial from oral cavity. Treatment of an intraoral ranula consists of surgical excision, marsupialization with and without packing or currently Intracystic injection therapy with OK-432, streptococcal preparation or botulinum toxin. Here, we present a case report of 9-year-old child who presented with recurrent salivary gland swelling along with sublingual ranula. Key words: Ranula, Sublingual, Sialadenitis

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