Volume 3 Issue 4 (July-August, 2017)

Review Articles

Renu Gupta, RP Luthra, Aman Sharma

Maxillofacial prosthetics may be defined as the art and science of dental practice which involves the functional and esthetic rehabilitation of intraoral and para-oral structures by artificial means. The goal in maxillofacial prosthodontics is to restore the patient’sappearance and protect the resection site allowing improvement in self-esteem to help the patient lead as normal life as possible. This article presents a systematic review of materials used in maxillofacial prosthodontics
Key words: Maxillo- facial, Prosthesis Rehabilitation

Corresponding Author: Dr. Aman Sharma, PG student, Department of Prosthodontics,, Govt. Dental College Shimla, H.P., India

This article may be cited as: Gupta R, Luthra RP,  Sharma A. Maxillo- Facial Prosthesis: A mini review. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2017;3(4):1-4.

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