Volume 7 Issue 5 ( September - October ), 2021

Review Articles

Mandibular Movements- A Comprehensive Review
Renu Gupta, Renuka Thakur, Divy Vashisht

Restorative treatment should be aimed at the achievement of smooth unhindered mandibular movements during function. The outcome should not result in an occlusal interference, nor should it lead to generation of excessive force on the teeth, the periodontal apparatus or the temporo-mandibular joints (TMJs). All members of the masticatory system should work in harmony and accommodate the changes in occlusal morphology of the finished restoration well. Central to the science of dental occlusion is the study of mandibular movements and positions or mandibular kinematics as it is sometimes called. An understanding of the patterns of mandibular motion undervarious conditions of guidance and restraint is important in most clinical situations, particularly in the diagnosis of occlusal problems, the recognitionand treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders, and the successful reconstruction of impaired occlusions. Mandibular movement occurs as a complex series of interrelated three-dimensional rotational and translational activities.

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