Volume 7 Issue 2 (March - April), 2021

Original Articles

Assessment of cytotoxicity level of various elastomers using indirect method
Pratik P. Bumb, Paaras Kotwal, Saniya J Kasat, Kurakalva Soundarya, Shilpa Sharma, PSHL Parvathi

Background: Final impression materials used in fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontics are elastomers. The present study was conducted to assess cytotoxicity level of various elastomers using indirect method. Materials & Methods: Poly vinyl siloxane (PVS), Poly vinyl ether silicone (PVES) and polyether (PE) impression material (Impregum) were classified as group I, II and III respectively. A total of 15 specimens were prepared. Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium was used for growing mouse cell line NIH/3T3. Cytotoxicity level of all elastomers were measured with the test 3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2-5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. Results: The mean cell viablility was 130, 78 and 134 at 30 minutes, 102, 62 and 112 at 1 hour and 82, 24 and 110 at 24 hours on day 1, 78, 30 and 108 at 30 minutes, 82, 24 and 106 at 1 hour and 80, 21 and 102 at 24 hours on day 3, 20, 20 and 78 at 30 minutes, 16, 18 and 80 at 1 hour and 12, 14 and 64 at 24 hours on day 7 in group I, II and III respectively (P< 0.05). The mean survival rate of cells was 104.2, 126.2 and 120.4 in group I, II and III respectively on day 1, 68.2, 24.2 and 94.6 on day 3 and 18.2, 26.2 and 62.4 on day 7 respectively. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Poly vinyl siloxane (PVS) exhibited highest cell viability as compared to other elastomeric impression material. Key words: Cell viability, Elastomeric impression, Poly vinyl siloxane.

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