Volume 3 Issue 5 (September-October, 2017)

Original Articles

Retrospective Assessment of Frequency of Occurrence of Different Potentially Malignant Disorders of the Oral Cavity- An Observation Study
Rubeena Anjum, Mohammad Shafi Dar, Shally Gupta, Mandeep Kaur

Background: Oral potentially malignant disorder and its sequelae may cause heavy impairment in quality of life; the disease is also highly costly for society. Despite the fact that the oral cavity is accessible for visual examination, and oral cancers, and premalignant lesions have well-defined clinical diagnostic features, oral cancers are typically detected in their advanced stages. Hence; we planned the present study to assess the frequency of occurrence of potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity. Materials & methods: The present study included evaluation of prevalence of potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity. Data records of a total of 200 patients with mean age of 30.2 years was retrieved from the archives from the department. Biopsy reports of consecutive 200 patients were analyzed and were screened for assessing the number and type of premalignant disorder present. Results:Oral lichen planus was the most commonly observed potentially malignant disorder observed in the present study, found to be present in 2.5 percent of the patient population. Oral submucous fibrosis was found to be seen in 1 percent of the patient population. Oral leukoplakia was present in 0.5 percent of the patient population. Conclusion: Potentially malignant disorders affect significant patient population.
Key words: Leukoplakia, Oral submucous fibrosis, potentially malignant.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mohammad Shafi Dar, Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental College, Jammu, India
This article may be cited as: Anjum R, Dar MS, Gupta S, Kaur M. Retrospective Assessment of Frequency of Occurrence of Different Potentially Malignant Disorders of the Oral Cavity: An Observation Study. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2017;3(5):113-115.

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