Volume 3 Issue 6 (November - December, 2017)

Case Reports

Management of Extraoral Sinus- A Case Report
Mitali Middha, Monica Kedia, Varun Kumar, Mayank Arora

A extraoral sinus of dental origin is a commonly misdiagnosed as cutaneous lesion. Failure to arrive at proper diagnosis due to absence of symptoms and its rare occurrence leads to ineffective treatment planning involving antibiotic regimens, multiple biopsies and surgeries. This lesion usually occurs as a result of long standing infective process of the pulp that is necrotic. It is usually seen in the chin, cheek and submandibular area. The patient is usually unaware of the underlying dental problem and tends to approach a general physician or a dermatologist for the same. An improper diagnosis results in recurrence of the lesion again and again. These type of lesions usually responds to conventional root canal treatment. The present article aims to report a case of extraoral sinus tract of dental origin in the sub mental area which was nonsurgically treated with conservative endodontic therapy.
Key words: Extraoral Sinus, Mandibular central incisor.

Corresponding author: Dr. Mitali Middha, Private Practitioner, Apex Dental Care, Rohtak, Haryana, India

This article may be cited as: Middha M, Kedia M, Kumar V, Arora M. Management of Extraoral Sinus: A Case Report. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2017;3(6):24-26.

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