Volume 8 Issue 4 (July- August, 2022)

Original Articles

Direct Pulp capping of Primary molars with calcium hydroxide or MTA
Dr. Azmat Yaqoob, (Prof) Dr. Monika Verma Koul

Background: To evaluate the effectiveness of direct Pulp capping of Primary molars with calcium hydroxide or MTA. Materials & methods: A total of 40 subjects within the age group of 7 years or older were enrolled. During the course of treatment, if the dentist-investigator deemed that a direct pulp cap was the appropriate clinical procedure, he/she then performed the pulp cap using the assigned capping agent (MTA or CaOH). A resin-modified glass-ionomer liner was placed over the pulp-capping agent and extended peripherally beyond it. The materials were used according to the manufacturer’s clinical directions. The teeth were restored as deemed appropriate by the dentist. Treated teeth were followed for up to 2 yrs or until the tooth required extraction or root canal therapy. At each appointment, the tooth was assessed for pulp vitality. All the results were recorded and analysed by SPSS software. Results: A total of 40 subjects were evaluated. They were divided into two study groups with 20 subjects in each group; MTA group and calcium hydroxide group. Both the study groups were comparable in terms of age and gender wise distribution of patients. At both the 6 months and 12 months follow-up, both the study groups showed 100 percent success rate both at clinical and radiographic evaluation. Conclusion: The clinical and radiographic findings of the current study showed a comparable successful outcome in direct pulp capping of primary molars using MTA and Calcium hydroxide. Key words: Mineral trioxide aggregate, Calcium hydroxide

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