For admiration of marketing policy and financial inclusions; IJRHAS invite advertising and sponsorship for its organization, web contents and related e-mail services with the following protocols:

1. All the accepted advertisements and profitable or sponsored publications are solely autonomous from editorial board members and their decisions. All the identified advertising and sponsoring agencies must be mandatorily have no understanding of our editorial content, nor do the editorial members have information of advertisers.
2. IJRHAS always reserves the right to reject any type of advertising approach that could turn negative to the market branding of IJRHAS.
3. IJRHAS will never accept any advertising for products that are considered to be harmful (e.g. tobacco) to health.
4. As a token of respecting the marketing policy; we never use to alter/add/delete the publication contents to provide some place to stay advertising.
5. Any advertisements must not be misleading, and should be confirmable. All advertisements must clearly make out the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Overstressed advertisements will not be accepted. Also if they reveal to be offensive or repulsive in either text or artwork, or if they relate to content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious nature.
6. Visitors and readers who hit on an advertising banner or link may be reconnected to a site outside and different from IJRHAS to view other information. These hyperlinked websites may or may not be containing harmful stuffs and may also ask visitors for additional data. Visiting the add details in such a way will be solely on visitors risk. IJRHAS is not concerned and strictly out of the business of such sites.
7. Every ad products should be in accordance with the government regulations in the country where the ad will be perceived. Any advertisements for pharmaceutical products that are subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration oversight must comply with FDA regulations regarding advertising and promotion.
8. IJRHAS reserves the right to withdraw the ad from the journal site at any time if the Editor(s) or Publisher asks for its elimination.
9. The decisions of IJRHAS board will not be pressurized by existing sponsors and advertizing houses, and will not be affected by marketing decisions.
10. In case of any request is to be made from outside IJRHAS then the request should be made to editorial who will respond with a full and final decision within three working days. Information about complaints concerning advertisements will be included in the Advertisements page.
11. All users will be able to distinguish advertising and editorial content clearly on the website and in e-mail alerts. IJRHAS does not endorse any company, product, or service appearing in its advertising. Any update to our Internet advertising policy will be posted immediately to the journal website. IJRHAS does not reveal personally identifiable data on users of our website or e-mail alerts to advertisers. We ensure very careful and strict monitoring on the number of impressions (the number of times the advertisement has been viewed on the website); number and/or percentage of impressions that accounted for a click-through to a different site (click-through rate); percentage of registered vs. nonregistered users who viewed the advertisement; and aggregated demographic data about users who viewed the advertisement. This information will be disclosed in the comprehensive way only for example, "dentists with a specialty of oral pathology accounted for 28 percent of all e-mail alert recipients with this advertisement."

Policy last updated on 1 Aug 2017