Volume 3 Issue 6 (November - December, 2017)

Original Articles

Comparative Analysis of Additional Silicone and Condensational Silicone for the Precision for Duplicating Master Dies
Sidhant Sudan, Rajat Khajuria, Tanvi Sudan, Priyanka Choudhary, Gurjot Sodhi

Background: Accuracy of impressions with repeated pours is of interest clinically, because duplicate models are sometimes desired. Most of the studies carried out on addition silicones including the monophase polyvinyl siloxanes showed that they were dimensionally accurate even upto one week. This is advantageous because multiple casts can be poured in the same impression upto one week without concern for dimensional inaccuracy. Aim:To compare additional silicone and condensational silicone for the precision for duplicating master dies.Materials and method: The present study was conducted in the Department of Prosthodontics of the dental institution.For the study, an acrylic model of lower 1st molar tooth was prepared based on conventional shoulder type marginal preparation, supragingivally. Two step impression techniques were administered for both techniques. A total of 50 successive impressions were made, 25 impressions for each of the three impression material. The marginal discrepancy was recorded with the use of the described measuring technique. Results: We observed significant discrepancies in mesial and buccal margins of the prepared models. We observed that overall discrepancy was more in model fabricated from condensation silicone as compared to additional silicone. Conclusion:Within the limitation of the current study we conclude that additional silicone is a better impression material as compared to condensational silicone.
Keywords: Additional silicone, condensational silicone. Die material.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sidhant Sudan, Registrar, Department of Prosthodontics, Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental College, Jammu, India

This article may be cited as: Sudan S, Khajuria R, Sudan T, Choudhary P, Sodhi G. Comparative Analysis of Additional Silicone and Condensational Silicone for the Precision for Duplicating Master Dies. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2017;3(6):77-80.

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